Monday, 9 July 2012

Mother Teresa Missionary Charity Home: Saviour of Orphans

Mother Teresa Missionary Charity Home of Silchar is proved to be a boon to the abandoned orphans. This is the only charity home of Barak Valley. It established in the year 1979 at Chandmari road, Silchar. Since its establishment till now this Home continues to serve the mankind.
The members of this Misssionary Charity supports and take care of children whom are abandon by their parents in streets. Sometime they support the children whose parents are unable to fulfill their basic needs. This Charity home is also helping to support deserted elderly people and handicapped people. The children and people who took shelter under Mother Teresa Charity Home is provided with facilities like education, health care etc.
Mother Teresa Misssionary Charity home has captured the hearts of homeless and abandoned people. These people are grateful and happy to get aid from this Charity Home.


  1. I am moved by the way sisters are serving those in the orphanage it is really worth appreciations . I will try my level best whatever possible from my side and will visit in regular intervals .

  2. I am moved by the way sisters are serving those in the orphanage it is really worth appreciations . I will try my level best whatever possible from my side and will visit in regular intervals .

  3. Can I get the exact address of this place please? Google map isn't detecting it

  4. Can i get the exact address?i need help

  5. Really I'm obliged by their service to mankind.

  6. Please provide me phone number... please
