Monday, 9 July 2012

Problem of Silcharites during Rainy Season

Sonai Road

In this ironic age, the Silcharites have no end of sorrows and sufferings. Another major factors arises is the Water Drainage System since the last decade. During rainy season , people of Silchar suffered a lot for many years.
The rainy season means, again the problem of flood and water blockage for the people living here. Again, then the problem arises of water born diseases, transportation and price hike of all the commodities. The major affected areas are Sonai Road, Shillonpatty, Malugram, Ganiwala etc. This areas are flooded by a little drop of water.

Raghunath Road

Every year, a huge money is sanctioned by the government in the name of Drainage Package. But, no work is done. The Municipality Board took no initiative to reconstruct the roads and the drains. Sometimes, it is assured by the Municipality that the work will be completed within a couple of months. But, no work is till done till now. Sometimes, the culverts  are half constructed, and as a result, the people faces problem to travel.
Now, its no more time to remain silent. The time for Silcharites to raise their voice against this unusual act has come. It is the time to take an action against this mini flood problem.

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